Our Curriculum

Our in-house curriculum is lovingly written by our teachers. With their combined expertise in early years and primary school education, our curriculum is designed to help students excel in Singapore’s education system.

At The Rowan Tree, we believe that practice makes progress. Our curriculum gives students the space to learn, try and apply in an independent manner. We believe that in-class feedback is crucial to help students understand their mistakes as they complete hands-on assignments. We dive deep into techniques with workshops focused on building our students’ confidence in writing and examination skills.

With material that includes real world tangents, we aim to challenge and push our students while introducing them to new and interesting facts about the world we live in.

Samples below show snippets from a variety of components of our P1-P6 curriculum. If you’d like to experience our curriculum first hand, book a trial class with us and explore the skills and topics we have to offer.

We believe that students need to be given opportunities to make mistakes, learn and challenge themselves.