Let the seeds of inquisitiveness take root.

Where in-house materials keep curious learners engaged.
Our Curriculum

From tiny seeds,
grow mighty trees.

Start your journey with us today.
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Sprinkling just the right amount of love, guidance and stimulation.

Our educators have what it takes to help your child grow.
Our Teachers

The Rowan Tree

A symbol of courage, wisdom and protection.

Its resilience allows it to flourish in varying environmental conditions. Bearing rich fruits, the rowan tree has been a source of nutrients and health for centuries.

In the same way, we hope to nurture our students to become resilient individuals with the tenacity to overcome challenges. We hope to be able to sow seeds of inquisitiveness in independent learners.

Primary School English

Our material helps students build a strong foundation in skills necessary to tackle English. To help students flourish, we believe that students need to be given opportunities to make mistakes, learn and challenge themselves.

Learning With Us

Structured Learning

Students engage with material that is broken down for them at their level. We believe that it is important for students to process new skills before applying them.

Independent Learning

Students have a safe space to make and learn from their mistakes. We believe that this is the best way for children to grow.

Real-World Learning

Students will be exposed to curriculum from around the world. We believe that this breeds critical thinkers who are in touch with the world we live in.
